Herbal tea refers to beverages brewed from dried herbs, spices, flowers, or other plant materials. It doesn’t have to contain the leaves of an actual tea plant. Many experts recommend herbal tea as a better option for daily beverages compared to coffee, soda, and even conventional teas. Here are the reasons why:

Rich in Taste Variations

There are countless types of herbal teas out there. Each one of them can taste vastly different than the rest. Thus, trying out new flavors will give you a fun experience. Some brands even offer special blends to enrich your options. The more you pay attention to the herbs you brew and sip, the more you feel curious about what flavors to try next time. 

Fewer Toxins

While tea, in general, contains much less caffeine than coffee, herbal tea doesn’t contain it at all. It is safe to drink plenty of it without worrying about getting an upset stomach or palpitation. Also, herbal tea doesn’t need cream or sugar to make it taste better. Even if you want it sweet, just a small scoop of sugar will be enough. Hence, it is a viable alternative for anyone who tries to cut back on sugary drinks. For pregnant women or anyone with a health complex, herbal tea is relatively safer to consume.


Most herbal teas are great for relieving stress and improving your mental health. Some of the best ones are chamomile, peppermint, lavender, valerian root, and licorice. It is mostly due to the L-theanine, an amino acid that could lower stress-triggering brain chemicals. Herbal teas are often used to support therapy for insomnia, anxiety, and even depression.

Brings You Closer to Nature

Herbal tea is the easiest door that can reconnect you to Mother Earth. The smell of fragrant plants from your cup is calming. Have your herbal tea in the morning, and it will give you a mood boost to kickstart your day. If you like doing yoga or meditation, drinking herbal tea afterward will significantly enhance your experience.

Various Health Benefits

Now the most important reason to drink herbal tea is its health benefits. No other beverages can even compare. Because each plant contains different chemicals and nutritions, each type of herbal tea brings different health properties. Since ancient times, herbal teas have always been the number one option of natural remedies for various problems.

For example, ginger and peppermint are wonderful to improve digestion. Meanwhile, hibiscus and echinacea can effectively combat common colds and fever due to their strong antiviral traits. Sage tea is best to increase brain function. And if you have concerns with your cardiovascular disease, rooibos or lemon balm tea might help you to fix it.

If you haven’t tried herbal tea, it might be best to start it now. Also, don’t stop on one type. With its ranging flavor and benefits, there are chances that you might dislike one herb but utterly love the other ones. Try browsing for the variations first before trying out, so you can get insights on how it will taste and impact your body.